Tuesday, March 31, 2009


By Cameron Dokey

Certain that she has the wrong name, as she lacks the beauty of her two sisters, Belle dedicates her time to woodcarving and withdraws from society. Secretly, Belle longs to find the fabled Heartwood Tree, for if carved by the right hands, it will reveal one’s true love. During a strange storm, Belle’s father is lost and comes upon the Heartwood Tree, and upon a horrible beast. Now, Belle must carve the Heartwood tree at the Beast’s command, to save her father and to learn to see not with the eyes of her mind, but the eyes of her heart.

As far as fairy-tales turned into novels go, this one was a little disappointing, especially since it was about Beauty and the Beast, my favorite. It was a little drab to read, even though I had high hopes and pushed through to the end, which was far too quick to enjoy. The book focuses a lot on Belle’s feelings, but not enough on the romantic parts at the end of the book with the Beast. I adore other of Cameron Dokey’s books, but this one was a let-down. But to be fair, I expected something spectacular and I have read many adaptations of Beauty and the Beast.

Interesting Info: Cameron Dokey has written many adaptations of fairy tales, famous and less-known. Golden was my favorite, an adaptation of Rapunzel. And Beauty Sleep was also very fun to read, the retelling of Sleeping Beauty.

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