Friday, March 15, 2013

The Uses of Adversity

By Carlfred Broderick

Some kinds of pain seem to run too deep for words. What can you say that could possibly be of any help to someone who is having one of those “Gethsemane” experiences? Carlfred Broderick has some answers that may surprise you. Acknowledging that pain comes into all our lives, he uses a variety of personal stories to demonstrate that what we do with that pain is part of what shapes us as human beings.

In the end, what really matters is not what happens to us but what our experiences teach us about God. This remarkable little books shows us that He is indeed our Father, and His love will ultimately reach deeper than any trial we might encounter in mortality.


This is a really short book with stories about people who have gone through some of the hardest trials out there; losing children, abuse, etc. It is a great little snippet of why God allows these things to happen to His children and how we can come to understand how we can rise above and work with the adversities we are given in this life. I enjoyed it and honestly, there are a few gems of wisdom that it is worth reading this little 60 page book for.

I give it a 3.5 out of 5

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