Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pendragon 3: The Never War

By D.J. MacHale

Bobby and Spader have now followed Saint Dane to First Earth-the past. 1937 to be exact. Bobby and Spader soon are swooped up in the gang wars of 1937 New York, and right in the middle of a turf war between the two top honchos. They meet Vincent "Gunny" Van Dyke, the traveler from First Earth, and go undercover as bellhops at the Manhatten Tower Hotel where Gunny works. It's action packed and full of unexpected twists. And where has Saint Dane gone to? He could be anyone, and while Bobby tries to take the lead he has to deal with Spader's quest for revenge. Will they stop the catastrophe in time, or is there something even more important and sinester going on? Find out in Pendragon 3: The Never War!

This book was interesting, because unlike the previous two books in the series, it happens in an actual place. Also, unlike the other books, you start to see that this series doesn't follow a set plot line. There are lots of things that happen that surprised me and made me feel like this series had a depth to it that I hadn't before felt. Bobby has to face the consequences of his choices, and it haunts him. He realizes that there may not be room for mistakes when Halla (everything that is or ever was or could be) is at stake. This book launches the more serious side of the series and was just as addicting as the others.

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