Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Book of a Thousand Days

by Shannon Hale

"My lady and I are being shut up in a tower for seven years..."

When Dashti, a maid, and Lady Saren, her mistress, are shut in a tower for seven years because of Saren's refusal to marry a man she despises, the two prepare for a very long and dark imprisonment.

As food runs low and the days go from broiling hot to freezing cold, it is all Dashti can do to keep them fed and comfortable. With the arrival outside the tower of Saren's two suitors-one welcome, the other decidedly less so-the girls are confronted with both hope and great danger, and Dashti must make the desperate choices of a girl whose life is worth more than she knows.

I finished this book for the third time today and was just as smitten as the first time I read it. I adore the story, the uniqueness of it, but the classic tale of a girl who, though common, raises her fortunes through sheer will to live and honor her promises, is one that will never grow old. Dashti has a voice that shines through the paper and is a lot of fun to read her own history of what befalls her and her mistress. This book gained the honor of sitting on my 'favorites' shelf along with two others of Shannon Hale. It's a great story, full of adventure, love, and mystery. Read it and you will love it, 100% guaranteed.

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